Training and Manuals
Provider Manuals
How To
- Behavioral Health Partial Hospital Program (PHP)/Intensive Outpatient Program (IOP) Authorization Requirement Checklist (PDF)
- Behavioral Health Outpatient Services: Prior Authorization Requirements Checklist (PDF)
- Check the Status of an Authorization Online (PDF)
- Electroconvulsive Therapy (ECT) Prior Authorization Requirements Checklist (PDF)
- Filtering Authorizations on the Secure Provider Portal (PDF)
- How to Use the Pre-Authorization Tool (PDF)
- Identify a Claim Number from Superior HealthPlan (PDF)
- Locate a Member’s Case Worker and Care Plan (PDF)
- Locate a Member’s Service Coordinator (PDF)
- Psychological and Neuropsychological Testing Checklist (PDF)
- Request Prior Authorization for Incontinence Supplies (PDF)
- Sign Up for the Provider Newsflash (PDF)
- Submit Claim Appeals and Claim Attachments on the Secure Provider Portal (PDF)
- Submit Corrected Claims on the Secure Provider Portal (PDF)
- Submit Notification of Pregnancy on the Secure Provider Portal (PDF)
- Substance Use Disorder (SUD) Authorization Requirement Checklist (PDF)
- Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation Services Prior Authorization Checklist (PDF)
- Update Provider Demographic Information (PDF)
Training Documents
- Ambetter from Superior HealthPlan Resources
- Appeals Guidance Training (PDF)
- Behavioral Health Billing Clinic (PDF)
- Community First Choice (CFC) FAQ (PDF)
- Comprehensive Billing Clinic (PDF)
- Daily Activity & Health Services (DAHS) Policy Update FAQ (PDF)
- DME Comprehensive Training (PDF)
- Federally Qualified Health Center (FQHC) Provider Training (PDF)
- Hospital Provider Training (PDF)
- Jimmo v. Sebelius Settlement Agreement Provider Information
- LTSS Sample 1500s (PDF)
- Mental Health Rehabilitation and Targeted Case Management (SB58) Training (PDF)
- Nursing Facility Provider Training (PDF)
- Outpatient Behavioral Health Provider Training (PDF)
- STAR Health (Foster Care) Resources, including but not limited to the STAR Health Training, 3 in 30 and Texas Child and Adolescent Needs and Strengths (CANS).
- STAR Kids and STAR Health Long-Term Services and Supports (LTSS) Billing Clinic (PDF)
- STAR Kids Provider Training (PDF)
- STAR+PLUS Long-Term Services and Supports (LTSS) Activities Overview (PDF)
- STAR+PLUS Long-Term Services and Supports (LTSS) Billing Clinic (PDF)
- STAR+PLUS Medicare-Medicaid Plan (MMP) Training (PDF)
- STAR, STAR+PLUS and CHIP Provider Training (PDF)
- Texas Health and Human Services (HHS) EMR Provider Training (PDF)
- Texas Health and Human Services (HHS) EMR Provider Training (Recorded Webinar)
- Wellcare By Allwell Provider Training (PDF)
Training Videos
- Medical Necessity Appeals Provider Training (YouTube)
- Negative Balance Provider Training (YouTube)
- Quarterly Recruitment and Retention Provider Webinar: Building a Winning Employee Referral (YouTube)
- Quarterly Recruitment and Retention Provider Webinar: Connecting with the Direct Care Workforce (YouTube)
- Quarterly Recruitment and Retention Provider Webinar: Driving More Caregiver Job Applicants (YouTube)
- Quarterly Recruitment and Retention Provider Webinar: The State of the Direct Care Workforce (YouTube)
- STAR Kids and STAR Health Long-Term Services and Supports (LTSS) Billing Matrix and Crosswalk Authorization Training (YouTube)
- STAR+PLUS Long-Term Services and Supports (LTSS) Billing Matrix and Crosswalk Authorization Training (YouTube)
- - Provider Resources Webpage Overview (YouTube)
- - Provider Website Overview (YouTube)
- Superior's Secure Provider Portal - Locating an Explanation of Payment (YouTube)
- Superior's Secure Provider Portal - Submitting an Institutional Claim (YouTube)
- Superior's Secure Provider Portal - Submitting a Prior Authorization (YouTube)
- Superior's Secure Provider Portal - Submitting a Professional Claim (YouTube)
- Superior's Secure Provider Portal - Verifying Eligibility (YouTube)
- Telemedicine: A Basic Guide for Providers (YouTube)
- Telemedicine: Policies for Providers (YouTube)
- Telemedicine: Procedures and Best Practices for Providers (YouTube)
- Telemedicine: Provider and Patient Satisfaction (YouTube)